There are millions and millions of websites, web services available online. But, it is hard to find them at one place. Each user uses on an average 25 websites that they login and check every day.
we started a blog named, "1001 fun things to do online ", with an objective to post an acitvity to do online - linking to the best website, web service available to do that job. One activity, one web site, every day of the year until we reach the 1001 things .
So, far the count has reached a cool 101 - each post provides a web link, and gives a 3 line descritption what it is about and why it would be truly helpful to you.
I have compiled an exhaustive list of the first 101 things that we blogged out in this collection. You can bookmark this, digg this or this. Enjoy!
Here,we go..try these weblinks!
Bookmark this page. You may would like to do this things when you find time.
- 0 Want to try a new Hairstyle before you do the "actual haircut"?
1 Want to decorate your desktop with free, high-resolution wallpapers. Go to
2 Do you want to rearrange your living room in a better way? You can do this with this free
online drawing board
3 Watch the falling sand on your screen. You can control the colour, speed and variety of the flows
4 "Want to read someone's secrets? Headover to read Post Secrets"
5 Play with these letters and try to make some words out of them. Hey thats no easy job when others keep stealing
your letters!
6 No Photography Allowed. Perhaps, these people disobeyed that rule. See some exclusive
7 Free audio books. Yes, FREE!!
8 Wantzz to view some cute pics, my Preciouszzz??.
9 Want to speak a new langaue? Cant wait for a week or month to learn? You can instantly speak by listening
using Google Translate
10 Want to try another hair style using Virtual Hairstyler.
11 Want to cook something tonight? Try a recipe from this portal
12 Fail Blog lists the obvious mistakes found in real life situations - Pics and Videos
13 Amazing Jokes: One place to laugh at everything
14 Watch some webcams in Antartica to see what Penguins are doing right now
15 Captivating Oil Paintings by Angela Fraleigh
16 How about chatting with a random person
17 Watch a touching video story of Chiristian - the Lion: Video!
18 Incredible Hand Paintings by Guido Daniele
19 Incredible Body Art by Guido Daniele: NSFW
20 How To Draw Anatomic Face In 2.5 Minutes - Video
21 Watch a real dog skateboarding, no kidding: Video
22 Watch the Food timeline: In the beginning, there was Salt!
23 Biggest list of Urban Legends: And you thought they were true
24 Where can you get free Internet? Useful when traveling
25 Itching to send any Anonympus email or SMS? here you go
26 Get help from a Tech Support Free: Free and 24 by 7
27 Young Chinese girl scares everyone: Video
28 Awesome tall paintings: Video
29 Body Tips: If your throat tickles, scratch your ear and more useful
bizzarre, working tips
30 Things you never knew existed and other useful gadgets and stuff that you would love to have
31 Get enlightened by Top people of the world: Videos
32 Remember the milk: Organise your daily lives with a to-do-list
33 Want to sharpen your brain? Free games to increase your IQ
34 Joke a day into your Inbox (They are quite funny
35 Send messages in a bottle or Write on the sky at Letter James
36 Pet Penguin: Video
37 Wacky uses for familiar products!
38 Become an M&M and do stuff online!
39 Create books and sell them at
40 Brain teasers to laugh and make fun of your mates
41 Stories that do not make it to the "survival of the fittest"
42 May be you did want to scribble something
43 Want to play with someone? Get Prank Ideas here in plenty
44 Mature people truths
45 Share, Upload or just Explore presentations / slideshows
46 Get free books to read
47 Swap postcards and make friends
48 Draw ASCII pictures letters etc etc
49 What happens when you microwave something: Videos
50 Find if you can make it to the HOT list or NOT
51 Build your Business Network
52 Listen Music with
53 How many T-shirts you can wear one on another - How about 155: Guinness Video
54 Speak and write better English!
55 Baby doing a break dance: Video
56 Dancing little superstar: Video
57 Get some aerial wallpapers (high quality) for your desktop
58 Watch a webcam across the globe (if shared)
59 Create a colourful ASCII image!
60 Find websites that match your 'taste'
61 Send files or folders
62 What if you can play Ping Pong in a Matrix world: Video
63 Incredible Statistics Art: Awesome (Pictures)
64 Want to flyover Paris Eiffel tower and see the city in Pano (3D photo)
65 Draw someone with these tools
66 Origami by folding fabric
67 How to fold a shirt
68 How to buy ethically
69 Create Maps
70 Make Anagrams with your own names
71 Just few thousands of animated Images
72 Advice for Parenting
73 Why not send some flowers by email?
74 Play with words!
75 50 Lists to Write to Lift Your Spirits: Inspiration
76 Strange USA: What is Haunted? What is so special and mystical about places of USA?
77 Thousands of How-to-do video tutorials
78 Spotback News
79 Dress up your laptop in funky suits
80 Want to punch someone? Better imitate this lady: Video
81 Explore the Universe in 3D glory
82 Read the complete works of Shakespeare here
83 Cute and cuddly baby animal pictures (Photos)
84 Get Help to win in Online Poker games!
85 The OFFICIAL Watching Paint Dry Webcam!
86 Discretely amusing Peeling Paint WebCam
87 Chubby guy dancing for a famous song: Youtube Video
88 Flypower: How can you fly an airplane with no fuel? Use these flies
89 A guy takes photos for 6 years on every single day: Time lapse video
90 Glad Y2K is over? Wait for Y5B. Welcome to the place in time when sun dont shine
91 Upload your photo. Let others guess your age
92 Crazy images; Funny photos to amuse you!
93 Dude Perfect: Amazing Basketball Shots
94 A Japanese restaurant hires 2 monkeys as waiters: Video
95 7 year old kid drives Granny's car: Video
96 Ode to the Nice Guys: Funny Rant
97 Fold US dollar bills to form interesting things
98 Food fight with someone: Throw a pie or perhaps an icecream
99 Aren't these normal? Awkward Family Photos
100 Chat with God
101 ARE YOU STILL BORED? Go to Bored.Com to watch videos and play free games
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