Things to do online when bored!!

There are millions and millions of websites, web services available online. But, it is hard to find them at one place. Each user uses on an average 25 websites that they login and check every day.
we started a blog named, "1001 fun things to do online ", with an objective to post an acitvity to do online - linking to the best website, web service available to do that job. One activity, one web site, every day of the year until we reach the 1001 things .
So, far the count has reached a cool 101 - each post provides a web link, and gives a 3 line descritption what it is about and why it would be truly helpful to you.
I have compiled an exhaustive list of the first 101 things that we blogged out in this collection. You can bookmark this, digg this or this. Enjoy!

Here,we go..try these weblinks!

Bookmark this page. You may would like to do this things when you find time.


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