"Facebook dislike button" is a new kind of spam

"Facebook dislike button" is a new kind of spam
All of us use facebook and want a dislike button too for disliking some posts on facebook. Scammers are now using this need as their spam spreading method on facebook. Facebook scammers are tricking users to paste rogue code into their browser's address bars in order to get a Dislike button added to their options. The spam messages posted by victims read "Facebook now has a dislike button! Click Enable Dislike Button' to turn on the new feature!" The scammers replace share link by a message "Enable Dislike Button".
After clicking the link, this message will share this spam message to all friends of user and also rune some rouge code on his system too.

Facebook has not announced any official dislike button and i do not think it will be in near future.
faceook security experts are doing their best for preventing spams on facebook, but spams are increasing day by day. I hope people will understand it's danger and use safe facebook. I advice users not to click on any this kind of spams and always enalbe all security features given by facebook


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